Hello!Baka : Am I really a fool?

I wonder how this happened. One minute I'm minding my own business and enjoying my simple wota life and the next minute Liamers, of Mayuge Madness, has roped me into singing karaoke with his newly formed fandub group, Hello!Baka. Lets take a step back in time so I can figure out how I got here.

Lets see. I think it all started over on the Musume-Central forums quite some time ago, when Liam tried to put together an M-C karaoke team. It worked, he managed to get a decent sized group together and they performed Morning Musume's Aruiteru on our podcast back in July (see below). He tried to rope me into doing it back then, but I flat out refused. I was pretty adamant about it too. For a long time afterwards he would ask me, "So why didn't you do Aruiteru with us?" I don't think I ever had a solid excuse, I just didn't want to do it.

Liamers, Shwee & Dran Podcast (July 08) :
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Well, recently he decided to have a second attempt at an M-C karaoke. Once again, he tried to convince me to join. At first I refused. But then I agreed. I said, "I'll do it, but under the condition that I get Maasa's lines!" And he accepted my terms. He wasn't supposed to do that. I just said that as something of a joke to get him to stop bothering me about it. There were 8 of us in the group (including myself) and I figured that since 3 or 4 of them weren't big into Berryz Koubou Liam wouldn't be able to agree without asking the rest of the team first. And I knew that EtherealMotives would have much rather performed a Momusu song. But does he play his role in my plan?

No he doesn't. He jumps at the chance and the rest of the group is forced to perform a Maiha-era Berryz song, thanks to my attempt at getting out of it and Liam's damn initiative. We took a vote and we all agreed that Koi no Jubaki was an acceptable song. (Much to my relief. Maasa has no solo lines in that song. I never thought I'd be so happy about Maasa's lack of lines, but there we go.)

Well, Koi no Jubaku hasn't been released yet. But for those of you who like to listen to people embarrassing themselves with a fandub, rest assured... It's well on the way.

Well, Liam didn't waste any time in pitching his latest idea to us all. A fandub group (I believe his reasoning is that he wants to try compete with SacredCultivator's Hello!Dubs) where we of-course sing H!P songs. Although I have suggested singing a JE song or two, just to get us some fangirls (*wink*). Oddly enough, I signed up for this one myself. No attempts at escaping. I thought, "Sure. Sounds like fun. I'm in!"

I know, I know. You are thinking I've lost my mind. I have. There is no other explanation for it. But here I am. Performing in Hello!Baka's First Generation debut song - Ai no Tane - actually suggested by me... Seemed almost poetic to make Ai no Tane our debut song. What? It's just a cliché? Who asked you?

Our version does differ from the original. Liam decided to become the second coming of Tsunku (despite the little tongue-in-cheek Mars symbol appended to the end of Cotton Cloth, or mixer,'s credit in the cover at the top of the post) and redistribute the lines to make it more even. Even though I was supposed to be singing Ishiguro Aya's lines, sometimes other members are singing one of Aya's lines or whatever.

I'm treating this as a learning experience. Doing these karaoke things is much harder than it looks. I found that I can maybe sing a bit better than I originally thought (maybe). But I am awful at holding notes. I think I also need to sing louder. And apparently I was a bit off-time with everyone else. This song was riddled with timing problems, but Cotton Cloth did a great job with the timing on this one - he's definitely the MVP of the show. It can't have been easy for him. And we, no doubt, couldn't do it without him.

Without further ado, here is Hello!Baka's debut song, Ai no Tane :

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Also note that Hello!Baka is accepting auditions for it's 2nd Generation. There we go, Liam. A shameless plug, I hope you're happy.


Radreview said...

What a story!

Liamers said...

That was awesome dude, hopefully now we can ring people into H!P's 2nd generation.

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